Build Each Other Up: A Message from the Moderator

Good Morning, afternoon, or evening to you.  Well, we made it through the holidays! Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's Eve and Day.  For me and my extended family, it's back to work, back to school, back to life after all the holiday celebrations.  Our next focus at Church will be the Lenten season with Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday.  That seems to be so far from now.  We have to trudge through the winter weather with snow, slush, the wind, and ice.  For me, I'm not a snowbird, but I'd sure like to be in a milder climate for the winter.

The time spent in winter weather takes up a lot of actual space on the yearly calendar.  As a seasoned citizen I'm less likely to take advantage of this time of year for visiting and doing other church things.  My natural tendency is to throw another log on the fire and watch too much TV.  This year I am more determined to make use of, what seems to be an eternity on the calendar, in a more useful and fulfilling way.  It's about time to clear out the Christmas decorations, as beautiful and meaningful as they are, and get to work.

Lamentations 3: 22-24 says, "The steadfast Love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness, 'the Lord is my portion' says my soul, 'therefor I will Hope in him'" (ESV).  Isn't that a better way to deal with the doldrums than getting up and grumping at the weather every day?  Instead of facing the weather every morning, face the reality of God's mercies and faithfulness. 

For some of us the seasonal light, or lack of it, might play a part in our winter blues.  But I wonder how much is because of the lack of getting together with our church people during the  of winter.  We weren't meant to be alone in life or in our Christianity.  We build each other up, we strengthen each other's faith, we cause each other to look to the Lord for those new mercies.

In our down time between the holidays, send a text, call a friend, visit as the weather allows.  Get into each others lives.  We are stronger together.  Allow church relationships to build the Kingdom in our midst.  God has rooted us where it pleased Him to do so and He has  given us  others to encourage us.  It is our charge to seek the Lord together, to learn of his goodness, and put forth the effort to grow and mature where we are, and become fruitful.

Agape from your moderator,

Bruce Dunk

Lower Deer Creek COB


How are you going to embrace your new start? 


A Word from the District Board