Boards & Committees

District Board

This group is elected by District Conference delegates, 2 members from each of the 5 sections of the district, plus a handful of ex officio members. Board members serve 5 year terms, with a maximum of 2 terms. These folks make decisions about program, finances, strategic initiatives, and committees. They also oversee and support the work of the District Executive Minister.

Program and Arrangements Committee

This group is appointed by the District Board, one member from each of the 5 sections. The current moderator chairs the committee. Members serve a 3-year term. These folks do the behind-the-scenes planning for District Conference.

Nominating and Personnel Committee

This group is appointed by the District Board, one member from each of the 5 sections. The past-moderator chairs the committee. Members serve a 3 year term. These folks gather names to suggest for the appointed and elected committees.

Brethren Leadership Institute Task Team

Loans and Grants Committee

Shalom Team

The Shalom Team is appointed by the District Board. Its purpose is to empower congregations, and the District, to maintain and enhance healthy relationships, and deal creatively with brokenness in its earliest stages. It works in partnership with the District Executive Minister(s) and may be activated by a contact made through the District Executive Minister(s), District Moderator or the Shalom Team Chair.

This committee is appointed by the District Board, one member from each of the 5 sections. Members serve a 5 year term. This committee strives to support congregations and individuals in the pursuit of licensing, commissioning, and ordination in order to serve the church in ministry roles, employing the guidelines of the Annual Conference polity on ministerial leadership to instruct its work. They meet throughout the year as necessary.

Ethics Committee

The Ethics Committee consists of five members appointed by the Board that serve a term of five years. This committee responds to reports of clergy ethical misconduct and provides training for congregations in using the Annual Conference statements ethics.

Historical Committee

Auditing Committee

Disaster Response Coordinator