Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World

Jesus wants to meet with you as surely as He met with Mary and Martha that long-ago day in Bethany. He wants to reveal Himself to you, filling you with His presence and His love so that His grace spills through you to a dry and thirsty world.

Martha opened her home to Jesus, Mary opened her heart. These are two different characteristics – can they change? Like Martha, we can open our homes in ministry and service yet allow our hearts to remain unengaged in what we are doing. Mary’s heart was fully opened to Jesus. She made room for Him in her life.

Martha felt overworked and underappreciated, Mary was certainly not sharing the load. Sisters, it could also be almost Sibling Rivalry. While Jesus may not give you what you want, He will always give you what you need. And that is far more important than extra help in the kitchen! If you had been Martha, I wonder how Jesus’ words would have made you feel?

His rebuke was an invitation to relationship. The same invitation is made to you and me today. The “one thing” that Jesus said was needed in Martha’s life was fellowship with Him— that’s true for us to. God wants to know Me.  He wants to make His Home in Me, and for Me to make My Home in Him.

Invite Jesus to rule and reign

Ask God to reveal the next step

Have faith that what needs to get done will get done

Be open to the Spirit’s leading

By Merle Rummel

Pastor at Four Mile CoB


Land Acknowledgements


Confession and Forgiveness in the Biblical Tradition