Song and Story Fest

For anyone who doesn't know, Song and Story Fest is a week-long all ages camp with a focus on music and storytelling. (One need not be Brethren to attend.) It's often - but not always - the week right before or after Annual Conference at the closest camp. Every few years the Fest makes its way to the West Coast, even though Annual Conference is no longer being held out West. I absolutely love it and make it a priority each summer. Here's a bit of my personal story of why it is such an important part of my life.

 My first Song and Story Fest was in 2003, in Idaho, at Camp Wilbur Stover. I attended with my parents for just about half of the week, if I recall correctly. I was hooked. I saw old friends, made some new ones, had fun adventures, saw a different camp, and enjoyed fabulous music and stories among delightful people who share my Brethren values. The next few years I attended as often as I could, but I lived on the West Coast 2005-2015, so I was not always able to afford the plane ticket. During those years, I was not living near a Church of the Brethren congregation, so Song and Story Fest was a great way for me to keep in touch with my Brethren roots. Therefore I prioritized going any chance I got. In 2008 my parents unexpectedly died in a car accident, and Song and Story Fest became even more important to me. Not only was it a way of connecting with other Brethren; it was also a way of staying in touch with people who knew my parents, since they had attended several Fests. 

Ken Kline Smeltzer singlehandedly planned every single Song and Story Fest from 1997 to 2021, with the exception of 1998, which was planned by friends in Oregon. The 2022 Song and Story Fest was the first planned by a planning committee, of which I am a part. It's a joy to participate in this way. Ken is still an integral part of the planning, but with more of us involved, theoretically any time he wishes to step down and let others take over, he could.

Most Church of the Brethren districts have a family camp of some kind. Some really get a lot of people involved in this. Song and Story Fest is rather like a family camp, but with people from all over the country, and with a focus on great storytelling and wonderful music. And keep in mind that "family" means all kinds of people: single people, couples, kids, adults with no kids, grandparents, gay, straight, young, old, etc. All are welcome. It's a very welcoming atmosphere with a solid structure and great things planned, and enough unstructured time to feel really laid-back and organic also. There are jam sessions, concerts, campfires, workshops, devotions, and optional afternoon adventures. 

 Consider coming sometime! This summer it is July 7-13, 2024, at Camp Brethren Heights in Michigan. Additional information about Song and Story Fest can be found here: Next year it will be at Camp Brethren Woods in Virginia, July 6-12, 2025.

By Tina Rieman


Being Brethren


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